Common payment problem on Android devices

Currently on Android phone, 3 payment methods are supported:

  • Bank Cards (Visa, Master, Union Pay)
  • Alipay for Chinese account
  • WeChat Pay

Visa and Mastercard are supported globally no matter it’s credit card or debit card.

Union Pay only support credit card. Union Pay debit card may face verification problem.

Alipay on Android at moment only support verified Chinese Alipay account. Foreigners’ Alipay account may have problem when choose this option. In such case, please choose payment by card, or go to User Center and select Alipay for non-Chinese payment channel.

If you encounter problems for paying with Alipay, please switch off you VPN first. Sometimes Alipay doesn’t recognise foreign IP (a non Chinese VPN IP).

WeChat Pay is supported with Chinese citizens. Foreigner may face problem when using WeChat. In this case please use bank cards, or screenshot the payment QR code and have your friend to scan and pay it for you.

Remember WeChat Payment QR code can only be paid by using WeChat in-app Scan. If you save the QR as image then ask your mobile to recognise it, it may not work.