Make sure you have install the latest macOS version v1.0.9. If not please install from here:
If you install from a dmg file, make sure you installed it correctly.
Remember: before you reinstall or update the MacOS app, you shall first delete the current SimpleLink and its VPN configuration in System Setting, and then reboot macBook. Otherwise it can cause mal/non-function of the app.
Please be aware when changing servers in the app it may takes few seconds. But this is a normal behaviour of macOS system.
If you encounter other connection problem when using macOS, please first refresh app by click the refreshing button on the top right and try swipe up for few times.
If the problem remains, there are 2 possible solutions:
- Update your macOS version. The old version of macOS may face problem of not being able to switch on VPN through SimpleLink app.
- If you don’t want to risk upgrade macOS version, then please use Clash as proxy tool for SimpleLinks proxy servers.
Detailed guidance on how to use Clash as a replacement can be found here:
If you have any other problem when using macOS, please send us email or contact customer support.